![]() ![]() ![]() Old Tauntonian Lodge No 5375
Welcome |
WelcomeWelcome to the new Old Tauntonian Lodge website. We hope all Old Tauntonians will find it interesting and that some may be encouraged by what they read and feel disposed towards seeking further information from our Lodge Secretary (see ‘How do I become a Freemason and join Old Tauntonian Lodge’).This prestgious Lodge meets four times a year at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC1 (the headquarters of English Freemasonry) on the first Friday in the months of February, March, October and December, usually at around 4.30pm. We dine rather well afterwards at Kingsley Hotel in Bloomsbury. (nearest tube stations Holborn). Whilst geographically the Lodge will be of more interest to those who reside in and around London and the home counties we do have regular members from further afield, in particular from the West Country. Our sister Lodge, Taunton School Lodge No. 8215 meets in Taunton and serves the West Country although quite a few of our members belong to both. The Secretary will be pleased to advise you of the costs attached to membership which cover:
Initiation or joining fees Arrangements are in place to spread such costs over the year. Link